Teacher Resources
Indiana GEAR UP provides professional development workshops for teachers across the state. Sessions generally take place during the summer and cover a variety of topics like STEM, PBL, SEL, Financial Literacy, and more!
With our new grant award, we are hard at work building the foundation for the next 7 years. Teacher PD workshops will resume in the future but none are currently scheduled. Follow us on social media @IndianaGEARUP to get updates on what's coming!
Questions regarding professional development can be directed to gearuppd@purdue.edu.
The links below have resources for schools, teachers, students, and parents with information on e-learning, video lessons, college and career readiness activities, and other items that may be useful.
Indiana GEAR UP COVID-19 Resources
Just in Time: Helping K-12 Teachers Transition to an Online Classroom - This is a recording of a free webinar that was hosted by Amy Dietzman, Ed. D., Learning and Design Manager at Tutor.com, who has deep experience in managing online instruction and curriculum. In this session, she shares insights with teachers based on her own rich experience and offers best practices for making the leap to virtual education.
Schools or teachers needing more help or having specific questions can reach out to the Regional Director for your school. A contact list is available here.